My White Rapper Homepage

A while back I was shocked to find there was no white rapper website. So I made one. This was around 2006. Anyway, since then I get emails from people with suggestions for it. Here is a beaut:

I saw u lok for white rappers. . and idk i got raps beats...soon(nasty) and um idk i tlk about alota worsth while shit while still ckeepen it G, to my self, and rap/hip-hop
I just started postings vidioes on u tube like small freestyle for fun
rap all i do by the way since 4 so... idk but good.. and idk been writen hot hot hope to get that up on youtube soon. but hit me back if u want to talk or check anything i got so but ive been here. no one new it...jk hope to hear somthen if not type into youtube.
lil wayne - Nah thats me check it or hit me back cause i aint quiten......
....peace joey


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